STUDIO NECROPOL, the obscure Empire Gothic science fiction arts and technology research and production facility, is somewhat pleased to announce the formal launching of a its third global project called XENOS_GENERATOR - Dark Genome Awakening. The media form that it will take is as yet unknown but it might be a series of Internet videos as some past projects were. Development will be slow and organic. I will be using myself as the specimen for experimentation. And since I am currently experiencing the adverse affects of three incurable degenerative diseases involving the nervous system, respiratory system, and vision system it seems like a worthwhile thing to do. The project is to be considered a public service and will be deemed useless, of course, by the general public in this contemporary world, but it is being done with a sense of artistic responsibility towards all of humanity, as they stumble towards oblivion.

This new project, currently in development, is a natural extension of the AXISDOMITRON project and the discoveries will help in bringing a deeper understanding to those interested in that project. It promises to bring a lot of surprise revelations in the realm of forced gene activation by reason of severe environmental issues. These activated genes contribute to an altered consciousness of the biotic unit involved which then adjusts its behavior in accordance. The biotic unit then survives to live another day. This happens all the time, of course, with various species in nature. But the biotic unit in this particular experiment is something called the human species. Some of you may be aware that the human genome shares many of the same genetic structures as that of all biotic life forms on the planet. Many discoveries related to the future of the human species will be made in the realm of shared genetics, of course. These three projects are interconnected and represent the expressions of an entity attempting to inform certain portions of humanity about its experiences.

Extensive preparation is needed before such a major alteration in the genome occurs.The latest information about this project will be posted here at the appropriate time.