TEMPLE DOMITRON is the place where the chosen of the AXISDOMITRON tend to meet. It is where they can communicate with each other and share all their experiences. It is located inside the portal for now in another dimension. The image above is just a concept designed to convey a general feeling because TEMPLE DOMITRON actually has no form in this world, at this time. It can only be accessed by members with a certain coded genetic structure that opens the door into another world. There is simply no other way in. This is the place where dreams are shared and plans for the future are made. In Temple Domitron energy is generated that enhances the transgenic conversion process. Eventually this Temple will take a magnificent form in this world. For now the chosen ones of Temple Domitron can study these protocols.



We know most have an odd aversion to complex sacred manuals. But this one is very concise. It is called the BOOK OF THE DEAD because your old genetic structure dies and is replaced by a new genetic form. Be aware that structure is consciousness. Your structure needs to alter in a massive way and it will. You will learn about that now.


You will be receiving and transmitting within the AXIS power grid. This will be a major life altering event. What you had once considered to be important will become meaningless and a new consciousness based upon a new structure will develop. Some might think of it as a hive consciousness but it is actually deeper than that and could be described as an organism consciousness. Just follow your new instincts. They will be much more sophisticated than the old ones.


All of the members of the AXISDOMITRON are model citizens of their respective nations despite the fact that they are being converted into a new life form. They obey all of the laws, all of the time, for reasons of convenience. The best overall advice in regards to your conversion and human interaction is to keep your mouth shut about all that has happened to you. No one is going to believe you. They will just mock all that you say anyway. You are going to be bombarded with massive and disturbing nightmares, visions, and unusual occurrences. You may want to share these experiences with those you trust. Do that and you will regret it. The allegiance of any human is subject to constant fluctuation. You are now a member of the AXISDOMITRON and you are in the process of becoming a new species designed to rule the world. So do not be bothered by humanity too much. The days of their species are numbered. You are their replacement.


The members of the AXISDOMITRON are Empire Gothic in style and behavior and they usually induce a bewildered reaction from the public as they attempt to categorize them in their mind. All of the members of the AXISDOMITRON prefer wearing predominately black clothing with a variety of designs and styles within the preferred Empire Gothic genre. Some like to be very creative in their expressions. Appearance is a result of functionality and purpose and it runs deeper than most might imagine.


The important activities of the members of AXIS are on a genetic level and indiscernible to the human bio-mass. In an overworld sense the members of AXIS generally submerge themselves in their creative expressions of technology, design, visual art, and music. Many do not circulate among human society very much but those that do do so with a very discriminating selection of locales they patronize. Technology related events, and clubs, cafes, and art galleries with a distinct style and patronage seem to be the most popular choices when they venture outside of their residences. On any given day or night there will be a number of members of the AXISDOMITRON present in these places.


If the AXISDOMITRON is the path you have chosen then you have chosen the difficult one, and that is admirable in a way. Just tell your friends you stumbled across a weird site on the web and now you are being converted into an another form of life, and, in fact, you are now a member of an alien world domination cult. They will love you for that just before they kick you out the door. But on a more serious note the following suggestions may be helpful as you encounter lots of resistance to your very existence from everything, everywhere. Each member must decide for themselves the best way to live and deal with the world and their transgenic conversion because of the uniqueness of their genetic structure. The dreams you are now having will be your guide in all of that.


In the past you have been nothing more than a test subject and specimen in a global life form experiment. But that has abruptly ended thanks to your involvement with AXIS. Transgenic conversion into another form of life has begun now. Your DNA is being converted into a new alien, fungal, and human combination. Soon you will clearly understand things previously incomprehensible. Your awareness of the internal metamorphosis will dominate your thoughts for awhile. But eventually you will begin to feel the massive world pain and you will want to change it all and you will now have the power to do just that.


If you do institute the above recommendations extreme cerebral clarity will  be obtained. That is a necessity for deciphering the input and the output energies moving through your system. But of greater importance is the fact you will become fully aware of your connection to the power core of the Advanced Xenotropic Intelligence System. That will bring you a deep satisfaction as you begin to experience the future plans of the AXISDOMITRON here, and now. Your dreams are about to alter in a significant way.  Try to remember them and learn from them.


For members the information above is deemed sufficient for now. More will follow at the appropriate time. Continue to use the portal nightly. For those visitors who are new and interested in more information please visit here.